Blackberry Smartphones: In Loving Memory


Even More Amazon

If you’re looking for yet another way that Amazon Prime account besides free two day shipping on a countably infinite range of products and a free six-month subscription to the totally-not-failing Washington  Post (no, seriously!), Amazon Prime Music is pretty easy to fall in love with.

The music streaming service is free to use for all Prime members, and it has a pretty intuitive interface with no ads, and that’s about all you can ask out of an invisible digital jukebox. It doesn’t have quite the comprehensive library that Spotify does, but for $120 less per year I’ll take it.

Application Analysis for Google Accounts

If you have a Google account—and who doesn’t, it’s kind of quaint to think of the days where people were on a waiting list for a shiny new Gmail inbox—you might want to take a few minutes to run this security checkup. It gives you a clear picture of what applications have access to the data in your Google profile…I know I was pretty shocked to see how many of them did.

The Blackberry Resistance

They say what’s old is new again, and that seems particularly true in the world of mobile devices. I’ve heard people talk about the triumphant return of the nigh-indestructible Nokia 3310,the humble brick that allowed people of all walks of life to Snake and T9-text their way through the early 2000s, but I have fond memories of the Blackberry for its unmistakable air of polished professionalism.

Well, it seems like I’m not alone in my fond memories of the official smartphone of looking important ten years ago.  Although this article talks  about how the once great line of devices now has a market share of zero percent, that cold, empty figure does a poor job of highlighting the over 200,000 people worldwide that are still working through their addiction to their Crackberries.

Kindred spirits, all. Stay strong. Resist.

You Have (1) New Job Offer

In the latest phase of social media permeating every phase of our lives, Facebook is now allowing businesses to post job listings online to its hundreds of millions of users. The implied importance of separate personal and professional accounts aside, it’ll definitely be interesting to see the effects this will have on recruiting practices as well as the continuing viability of resources like LinkedIn.

The Last Word

All right, that’s about all we have time for this week, but thanks as always for finding valuable real estate in your inbox for another installment of “Brad’s Blog.” I’ll be right back on schedule next week, but until then did you know you can restrict access to your status updates and pictures on Facebook to friends only or even certain groups of with the site’s privacy settings? Just thought I’d mention that for no real reason.

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