Embracing the Generational Gap + Sweatpants Style

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Millennial Moment

I consider myself to be a pretty ‘in-the-know’ guy, but I’ll admit: sometimes when I see my millennial kids, I have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. From products, to TV shows, to just general life hacks, sometimes I learn a thing or two from them. Sometimes.

So as my way of trying to embrace our generational gap, I’ve asked my daughter Hannah, (Archway’s web designer/digital marketing manager) to occasionally give her Millennial perspective to this blog, which I’m calling the Millennial Moment. I’m not promising all her suggestions will be good, but it might make you look cool in front of your younger colleagues and kids.

Privacy Please

You may remember a few weeks ago I talked about DuckDuckGo, a free browser extension that offers seamless privacy protection for the privacy-paranoid. But for those of you who are still Team Google, there are many hidden search modifiers you can use to find better, safer results a lot faster. This article mentions several tips on how to become an absolute Google ninja. 

For example, maybe you’re looking for a new TV show to binge, but you only have Netflix and Amazon Prime. You can find results from two specific places by using the pipe symbol (this vertical bar | ), which basically tells Google to choose between this “or” that. For example: Netflix | Prime. I tried this tip, and before I knew it, had binged all of Netflix’s Clickbait.

Comfortable and Cool

I’ve never claimed to be the most stylish guy, but after learning about the fashion trend called ‘Athleisure,’ I think I’ve found my calling. Athleisure is characterized as fashionable, dressed up lounge and exercise clothing, and the idea that gym clothes aren’t just for working out, but also your everyday wardrobes. So ditch the slacks for sweatpants in the name fashion, and elevate the look even more with my wardrobe staple, these Adidas slides. Extra athleisure points if you wear them with socks.

Millennial MomentThese slide sandals are an absolute must for any athleisure outfit. Not only are they an incredible $20 dupe of the sold-out $500 version, but they also make you feel like you’re walking on clouds, or those shoe-inserts old people wear in their shoes.

Early Autumn in the City of Angels

Although we don’t get real seasons out here in Los Angeles, the in-between of Summer and Fall is one of my favorite times in the city. The weather is perfect, there’s so much to do, and it tends to be a little less busy than the Summer height-of tourist season.  

If you are or ever plan to be in LA this time of year, definitely check out the beautiful Waves of Flags at Pepperdine University in Malibu, which honors the lives lost in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, with nearly 3,000 flags in Alumni Park along Pacific Coast Highway and Malibu Canyon Road—one for each innocent victim, including a national flag for each foreign country that lost a citizen in the attack. 

Another must-see this time of year in Los Angeles? The finally opened Sofi Stadium, where my son and I just cheered on the Rams for their first game of the season. 

The Last Word

I hope you enjoyed this slightly longer edition of Brad’s Blog! Feel free to reach out and let me know if you liked getting a little more scroll action in your inbox, and if your millennial colleagues compliment your cool new sandals. Have a great weekend! 

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