Links to the Future and Pools on Demand

Saluting a Maverick

I want to start off by paying the proper respect to a true American in John McCain. The late senator of Arizona has both his share of supporters and detractors when it comes to his politics, but regardless of whether you ever voted for him he was a noteworthy individual.

Following both his father and grandfather into a distinguished Navy career, John McCain showed more toughness than most of us will ever have to when he endured years of torture to protect state intelligence as a prisoner of war after being captured by Vietnamese forces.

His long and influential career in the public sector will be analyzed in much more appropriate spaces than this, but as a man working toward his best idea of a better world he is certainly worthy of regard. In fact, I picked up his autobiography earlier this year and it’s a revealing read, I enthusiastically recommend it. 

Resource Pooling

I have to say, I find the possibilities of the sharing economy to be fascinating. You can find a place to stay abroad uber quickly with couch surfing sites or even catch a lyft on a charter flight through flight sharing utilities…now, you can even rent a luxurious outdoor oasis for your next backyard party or music video shoot.Swimply is a service that connects pool owners with aspiring leisure swimmers, allowing hosts to make a little extra income to cover costs–have you priced chlorine lately?–and giving partiers without a pool an easy way to make a splash, do you see what I did there.

Sunrise Soundtrack

When I was a youngster we only had one kind of alarm clock, the one designed by some sick individual to rapidly jangle a tiny hammer against two metal bells and rip you out of your dream world like a nefarious hand clawing from the mouth of Hades. Fortunately those days are long past, and this feature from PC Mag shows you how to wake up to your favorite music instead of the sound of a hurricane made entirely of nickels.

Upgrade Your Game

Can you take a few strokes off your game with tech? Don’t be ridiculous, of course you can! I’m liking this Arccos app…with features like automatic shot tracking and a digital caddie that factors distance, hole type, and environmental factors into finding the shortest route to the cup, I at least feel like more of a professional. It’s a growing industry as more and more people realize that almost no one is good at golf, and this WSJ article goes into a little more depth.

The Last Word

All right, that should be sufficient for this edition! Thanks as always for making time in your routine for another inspired installmment of “Brad’s Blog!” I’ll try to be back on schedule next week, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for more pics and updates from our big adventure!

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