Operation BBQ Relief, Office Bookings, and the New iPhone

Reminders of Resolve

The aftermath of Hurricane Florence continues to affect residents of several states, with areas of the various communities still feeling the affects of severe flooding. The hurricane left over half a million homes without power and it will continue to be a long recovery process.

If you are looking for a relief organization to support in times like these and in the future you might want to consider Operation BBQ Relief. Founded by competition BBQ teams from eight states the provide meals to people affected by natural disasters in our country.

Age of XS

The debut of the iPhone X was something of a new beginning for the folks at Apple, representing a near-total reimagining of the original lifestyle device. Face scanning gave the iPhone X a new level of security (or just a neat party trick) and the edge-to-edge screen prompted a host of app redesigns. “The future of smartphones” was only the slightest exaggeration.

Now, the iPhone XS pushes the envelope even further, and if that’s not quite excessive enough for you, there’s also the iPhone XS Max…which is obviously the one I went with. It’s scheduled to arrive on my doorstep any day now, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the absolute best Apple has to offer looks like.

I’ll probably do a review after I’m done playing with it for the first time, but until thenthis article breaks down the key differences between the XS Max and Samsung’s flagship Galaxy Note 9.

Streamlined Scheduling

The Microsoft Office 365 suite gets even better with Bookings, the newest addition to one of the industry’s most popular program packs. Office 365 Bookings offers a slick interface, allowing your clients to look for available openings and schedule appointments that sync to your calendar and cancel just as easily. No more no-shows, isn’t that great?In case you’re not using Office 365, TimeTrade is another outstanding option. It delivers many of the same client scheduling and appointment tracking resources of the Microsoft product, and adds integration with Google tools for a seamless experience on both ends. It’s a long way from the days of calling in to make reservations.

Screen Sharing in Seconds

Anyone who has tried to resolve a network issue with a technician over the phone or set up an impromptu meeting with an offsite partner knows how tricky sharing screens can be. Nobody wants to download some strange .exe file, or worse, spend money to make it happen. With ScreenLeap nobody has to do either, putting shared screen access at an accessible link for free. What a delightful combination of words.

The Last Word

All right, that’s about it for this wonderful week of geek! Thanks as always for making room for me in the email folder you actually check, if I haven’t told you I appreciate it lately, I do. I’ll try to be back on schedule next week, but until then please consider donating to Hurricane Florence relief efforts through Habitat for Humanity.

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