Spring has Sprung + Lessons from Lockdown

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At Home in the Future

I gotta say, using all this time inside to install a few upgrades is really starting to pay off now that we can occasionally leave the house again…my new Sensi Touch smart thermostat is equipped with geo-fencing so it turns climate control off as soon as I leave my driveway…very 2025.

Also, with spring heating up here in Southern Cali it’s finally pool season again! 

Nothing like a refreshing dip and maybe an umbrella drink to take your mind off all the craziness you can read about elsewhere–it’s one of the strongest perks of the local lifestyle–and the family swimming hole got a smartening as well with my brand new Aqualink 2.0. With this wireless system activated, I can access all the pool functions like the pump and heater without even climbing out of my giant inflatable donut…it’s been great for my mental health. 

Of course, to make your dream home of the future a reality, you’ll need that most basic of modern utilities: Wi-Fi! In case you haven’t noticed, Internet access is about half a step under electricity and running water to the smooth function of our modern world, and if your coverage is spotty, that means some rooms of your home are stuck in 1993. That’s why I’ve obtained this enhanced Wi-Fi broadcasting system for the Ruben Estate…we simply cannot abide the past.

The Newest Scam Variant

In a disappointing but unsurprising development, fake vaccine scams are beginning to victimize vulnerable populations across the nation. If anyone contacts you looking for credit card information in exchange for access to a vaccine, here’s a sweepingly accurate generalization: it’s total bull. This PCMag piece goes into detail on the hot new concept in scumbag scams.

The Last Word

Well, that’s about all from the world of tech this week, and although I’m definitely proud of my UCLA Bruins for making the Elite 8 in this year’s Tournament after a big win over the Tide of Alabama, but this week there’s even more inspiring news that I’m proud to share with you.

As of last Friday, my wife became an official citizen of this country after passing her citizenship exam, and I couldn’t be prouder of her. She knows more about national history than I do now–seriously, who was the 27th President again?–and you won’t find an American who loves this nation and appreciates the opportunities it can provide more than her. 

Take my word for it: we are lucky to have her aboard

Thanks as always for making time for “Brad’s Blog,” have a productive and fulfilling week!

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