Less Lines, More Living
Well, it’s that time of year already…but being that it’s 2020, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals were rolling out for most of the month! It’s not a great time to pack into your local bix box store (never is, really) and this time around retailers are bringing the deals to your doorstep. Here’s a handy list of this season’s best tech bargains from our friends at TechRadar.
Speaking of skipping the line, part of the reason I’m so passionate about it is that it’s just not a great use of our time outside.
Sure, a lot of us are spending less of our days under the sunshine, and some of us are avoiding the outdoors entirely–which is a shame, by the way–but when and if you do finally decide on some fresh air, do you really want to get your fresh air fix standing in a single file line waiting to compete for toiletries? Me either…which is why I always use Google Maps to let me know when stores near me are the least crowded…it’s like a traffic report for the supermarket.
Dimensions of Defense
Like any effective shield, an effective protection scheme for your network should incorporate multiple layers of defense. One of the most reliable layers in the business is DNS protection, which protects your outbound data from taking on viral stowaways the same was Spam protection wards off attacks on your inbound data.
Questions about DNS protection? Email me and I would be happy to explain in more detail.
The Online Office Space
Of course, since the vector for a surprising amount of network infections sits between the chair and the keyboard, another indispensable tool in the fight against cybercrooks is constant education. That’s why TechRadar is one of my favorite resources for keeping my awareness sharp, and here they’ve provided a detailed instructional guide to making your network even more impenetrable.
If you miss the office atmosphere but not that one guy who always puts fish in the microwave, there’s a way you can experience the best of both worlds. Virtual Reality headsets are almost certainly set to have their big moment in the coming months, with units down as low as $200 and improving their immersiveness all the time. The team at Wall Street Journal makes it all real for us with this YouTube video offering a glimpse of what going to work could start looking like.
From Agents to Deputies
The tech-driven future of the office actually makes a pretty smooth transition to one of my favorite online workspaces, the webinar.
I recently had an informative session with Wingman Insurance on the subject of cybersecurity, specifically their relatively unique model for making it available. Not only do they provide service directly to independent agencies like yours, they can also sign them up to let agents at these firms sell Wingman cybersecurity products to their insureds. It’s really interesting stuff if keeping your data safe while making money appeals to you…here’s a link if you want to check it out.
The Last Word
All right, that should just about do it for this short and sweet week in geek. With the holidays quickly approaching, I find myself as thankful as always for you making time in your busy routine to squeeze in this edifying edition of Brad’s Blog! We should be back in the saddle for next week, but until then remember…you’ve made it this far, take the time to appreciate it.