The Future is Back on Schedule

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The “C” Word

You’ve probably noticed I don’t have a whole lot to say about COVID in this space, and that’s mostly because there’s certainly enough information on the subject out there without me also throwing my years of study at YouTube University into the discussion. 

Still, it’s encouraging to know that there’s some light at the end of the tunnel with the national vaccine rollout. LifeHacker, adapting admirably with the times, ran an informative piece last week about getting your appointment with the jab all lined up. Of particular note is the section entitled “Don’t Be a D[olt],” detailing strategies on how to avoid becoming that guy in all this.

During this week’s browsing I also encountered an encouraging read on the herd immunity these vaccines are intended to create in the population here…apparently, if all goes to plan we’ll be slowly crawling back towards a 2019-flavored world sooner rather than later! 

I, for one, can’t wait…all this craziness has really got me looking forward to my next visit to the Mexican coast…I hear Cancun is irresistible this time of year. Heh.

Making Meetings More Memorable

Speaking of our modern adaptations, Zoom meetings are probably here to stay in some form or fashion long after this crisis is in the rearview mirror. is an outstanding utility for keeping them all catalogued, giving you the ability to record, transcribe, and even search through the archives using keywords. It’s a handy tool to have for our reimagined meetups, especially since nobody actually remembers anything that takes place in these things.

An Ounce of Prevention

The recent weeks have given us some profound perspective about the vulnerability of systems, especially where the security of your most important data is concerned. One short lapse in digital vigilance could quickly become a costly clusterbomb that renders your product unusable and make an indelible impression on your client base. 

We don’t take kindly to that kind of thing around these parts, and that’s why we at Archway are offering a comprehensive security audit of your Office 365 environment–for a lot of folks, home to some of their most critical documents and records–just to be a good Internet neighbor. 

That’s right, this service comes to my valued readers absolutely free!

Just email me here and we’ll get your security audit scheduled…or if you want it done on an even shorter timeframe, here’s a technical article on doing it yourself. We’re even happy to split the difference and walk you through the process…in the end, it’s about keeping all of us safer.

The Last Word

All right, that’s about everything on the docket! Thanks as always for making time in your weekly surfing sessions for this educational edition of “Brad’s Blog,” and don’t forget to drop me an email if you’re looking to shore up your security…have a productive, fulfilling week!

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