Resolution Revolution 2019

New Year, New Brad

It’s the first full week of the year and I´m happy to report that my 2019 resolutions are still intact!

I´m trying to learn more Spanish–my wife speaks it when she wants to say something especially complimentary during an argument–and I’ve found Rosetta Stone to be pretty helpful in the pursuit. I’ve had a few issues with the speech recognition, but overall es muy bueno y estoy aprendiendo tan rapidamente.

Another improvement that I’m taking a particular focus on this year is being even better with money…I can be pretty careful as long as I don´t log into Amazon, but last year´s events really put into perspective the importance of saving for a rainy day.

Mint helps out with that initiative, giving me an easy to use interface for tracking the flow of money in and out of my wallet. Even better, it´s free, so there´s one less expense right there.

The Rebuild Hits the Road

Speaking of the fire, one of the things I had to replace in the wake of the disaster was a new car.Scouting through reviews is how I narrow down the decision for most things, and that’s how I came across Doug Demuro, who offers some of the most in-depth reviews of cars I´ve ever seen.

His detailed examination of a 500k Rolls-Royce was fascinating enough to spark my interest in the car…my wife even told me to ¨olvidalo¨ after seeing the video, which I think means ¨go for it¨ in Spanish so I´ll keep you posted.

Oyster is Your World

If you´re planning a vacation for later this year, there are plenty of outstanding websites to help you get the most possible bang for your buck. I’m a regular…it breaks down the pros and cons to every destination you might be considering so you can discover the ideal destination for your vacation, qué genial.

The Last Word

All right, we have yet to get fully cranked up for the year but it was a treat as always to type to you. Thanks as always for making time in your weekly routine for this edicion encantadora de ¨Brad´s Blog!¨ I´ll be back right on schedule in a few days time, but let me take this opportunity to wish you a Feliz Año Nuevo (and to remind my fellow Spanglish I students never to forget the tilde in ´año´)!

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