Damage Control
I would say by now I’m sure you’ve heard all about the big Equifax hack that has left millions of social security numbers and other critical personal data vulnerable, but the media coverage for what may be the biggest digital security compromise in the modern era has been remarkably light.
Not that running around in circles and screaming would do anyone any good at this point, it’s just a bit surprising that this isn’t a bigger deal. In any event, this articledetails what’s going on as well as some sensible strategies for minimizing the damage in case you find out that you were one of the many affected.
Enter the X
On the other hand, I know for a virtual fact that you’ve heard that the iPhone X is making its anticipated debut and the early reviews are coming in.
The latest iteration of the flagship device shows off an upgraded screen along with the much-hyped FaceID integration and a few other bells and whistles…and you know what, I’m buying two.
Yes, you do care…that’s right, the second iPhone X is for you! Well, maybe not you specifically, but somebody reading this is getting a surprise upgrade…stay tuned for details!
Rewriting My Cookbook
I definitely count myself as fortunate to be living in our diverse and shiny future for a number of reasons, some of which don’t even plug in.
You see, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease a few years ago, and where just a decade or two ago that would have meant many familiar culinary experiences were totally off-limits to me. Now with all the advances made in dietary science, I can enjoy most of my favorite foods without sacrificing the enhanced energy and mental clarity that comes with my gluten-free diet.
Now, that’s not to say that I don’t still exhibit most of my signature absentmindedness on a day to day basis, as my friends and family can attest, but overall I feel great and it’s because I don’t have to choose between my health and my cravings. I know that some of your out there share my struggle, and so if you want a few of my personal tips, just send me an email by clicking here.
Of course, developing alternatives to my must-have dishes was a long and difficult process, but it was a lot easier thanks to people like the Gluten Dude. His presentation style can be a bit…over the top…but his information is solid and that definitely makes him worth a click for folks in our position.
Who Cares About Your Site?
Do you want to know who is visiting your website? Of course you do! Well, that’s one of the areas where public resources from Google don’t quite deliver, as their visitor tracking is chiefly centered around who visits your website through AdWords, but I think visualvisitor.com offers a much more comprehensive picture…let me know what you think.
The Last Word
All right, that’s pretty much everything in the bag for this go-round…thanks as always for making time for another enthralling edition of “Brad’s Blog!” I’ll be back around in six days’ time, cheers to a great week!