Giving Thanks (For Deals) + Out of Office Tips

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Deals Deals Deals

You’ve probably been bombarded with all the upcoming Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals coming up, there’s no shortage of excellent offers available right now. Instead of making you do all the hard work to find the best deals on the internet, CNET rounded up all their favorites in one place.  To make things even easier, here are some Archway HQ’s personal favorites (and overall best bang for your buck) on their list:

Tip from your friendly neighborhood tech geeks: Only make purchases on websites you know and trust. If a deal seems too good to be true, chances are it is! Shop safely online this year. Happy Shopping!


Insurance Hacks 2022 Finale

Thank you to everyone who attended our last Insurance Hacks Episode with Jason D Cass and Travis Etheridge from Virtual Intelligence VI! (In case you missed it you can watch the entire conversation here). 


To wrap up 2022, we are excited to have a some very exciting Insurance Hacks Episodes coming up with some guests we promise you won’t want to miss. To make sure you pre-register for our upcoming episodes here, and stay tuned for an announcement next week where we will be announcing the first of our final two guests!


Turkey Week Tech Tips

The Thanksgiving holiday is one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, not to mention stressful. While we can’t ensure all your flights will arrive on time, or that the airline won’t lose your luggage, here are Archway we can offer some tech-related tips to help give you some peace of mind during this crazy time: 

  1. Unplug: When you leave your home or office for the holiday weekend, unplug your computer/any devices you won’t be using. This will protect your tech from potential power surges while you’re not home.
  2. Log out: This is a good tip to practice no matter what time of year it is: When you are finished with whatever you’re doing online, log out of your session! Whether it be company accounts, social media, or your online banking, manually signing out of your session ensures that if someone gains access to your physical machine, they won’t be able to get into your accounts.
  3. Backup your files: Coming back from time away would be seriously soured if you found that the files on your machine had been compromised in some way. Before you leave, make sure your files are backed up.Doing a backup right before leaving for a long trip is a great way to ensure your files are just as you left them.
  4. Scan physical documents: Identification documentation, passports, important certificates – losing track of physical documents is easier than we’d like it to be. Scan your important documents into your phone (or take photos of them) and put them in a password-protected folder or in a secure connected cloud account like Google Drive or iCloud. That way, you have access to them in case of an emergency
  5. Be wary with social media: This one is just good common sense – be careful with what you post on social media while you’re away. Potential thieves may see you’re away and assume they have an opportunity. Definitely never post your address or location on social media, and make sure you have location services limited for your social apps!

The Last Word

That’s all from me, folks! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to thank you all for your continued support of this blog. I am honored that you take even a few minutes out of your busy day to read (or even just skim!) these blog posts. Whether you are purchasing one of the products we recommend, implementing one of the tech tips we suggest, or are just here to laugh at my geeky dad jokes, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


From our Archway Computer family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!


-Brad Ruben


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