Introducing Brad’s Blog Friday Edition!

Memory Manager

I complain about getting old from time to time, but some aspects of the passing years are honestly worth treasuring. 

I recently became a step-grandpa–online language teacher Drops says you can just call me “abuelo”–and seeing the next generation of our family introduce themselves to the world around them has already become a memorable experience…and the memories will last a lifetime thanks to an app called 1 Second Everyday.

1 Second Everyday (or 1SE for short) is a video diary program that allow you to take slices of your life and combine them into a meaningful movie that can tell a story spanning years. Remember when your uncle would pull out the projector and gather everyone around for slides of the family vacation? It’s kind of like that, but the SportsCenter version…it’ll even keep the kid’s attention in a few years, you know how short attention spans are getting thanks to the Internet.

Angela Adams Customer Connect

Well, that’s about it for today, but before I go…have you seized your opportunity to be in the building for what rumor has it will be the InsureTech event of the century? You can visit my video appeal here.

If not, now’s your chance…but I suggest you take action ASAP.

Customer Connect is coming to sunny Orlando, Florida this February 17th and 18th, and it’s going to make some serious waves in the industry when it splashes down. Customer Connect is a forum for the future of the business, where education and collaboration are reimagined by Archway Computer, Vertafore, Angela Adams Consulting and Agency Revolution! 

At this compelling conference, nine of the top experts in the insurance game–including yours truly!–will be sharing their executive perspective through training workshops and personal insight. The festivities kick off as we imbibe and inspire during an evening spotlight on the industry’s latest developments in our world before the main event, a full business day jam-packed with with 14 educational sessions in agency management, AMS360, and QQ Catalyst. 

If all of that sounds good to you, we certainly hope you can join us in Orlando…book your trip and reserve your spot today by visiting!

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