Now Hear This: Sound Audio Choices and Clippy’s Quasi-Comeback

Can You Hear Me Now?

A perfect connection is important in many facets of life, both business and personal, and one place I find it to be key is whenTeam Archway is in contact with our clients.

We’re a pretty outreach-oriented operation, so we end up checking in from a wide range of environments–busy coworking spaces, dog parks, chicken farms, even the occasional beach bar for those who get an especially lucky draw on business trips.

That’s why a good pair of noise-canceling headphones is as essential for us as an unthrottled Internet connection (here are a few ways you might get around that when the airport hotel does not adequately appreciate your need for speed, by the way). My personal favorites are Sony’s WH1000mx3 model, but when I brought them up to a couple of colleagues they complained background noise during use…it was one of those things you just can’t un-hear.

Fortunately, an amazing app called Krisp entered the equation…one free download later, noise is no problem on both the speaking or listening end…I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what a game-changer that is.

Further Listening

While I have your ear today, if you’re looking for an outstanding pair of over the ear headphones on the cheap, one of the kids swears by these…I took a listen, they’re actually pretty potent.. They’re not dedicated noise-cancelers, but you really can’t beat a 60 hour playtime plus fast USB charging for 30 bucks shipped through Amazon Prime.

Clippy’s Redemption Arc

They say you learn something new every day, and today I learned that Windows 10 has a clipboard history….everything you’ve copied and pasted during your current session is still available to you…seems Clippy is much more effective in a non public-facing role. I suspect I’m not the only person who failed to realize this, and this handy YouTube video goes into detail about how to access the archives.

Home Gym Goals

Takes a bit of doing to get back to the grind after a long lapse, but I actually enjoy what going to the gym has to offer, physically and mentally.

I especially enjoy the excellent balance of entertainment and engagement that a spin class provides, but if you’re like me you’ve sometimes wondered if you can achieve the same effect while also getting a little more use out of that stationary bike waiting patiently in the corner for the last couple of Christmases.

Well, I’m happy to tell you that there is! This Lifehacker piece highlights the group classes you can take part in from the comfort of your own home wearing your favorite performance nighties.

The Last Word 

All right,  I’ve got a flight to catch for the Nationwide Roadmap to Independence conference in Vegas. 

Hope to see some of you down in Las Vegas on the 20th, but if you can’t make it to Sin City , the Friday edition will be coming your way before you know it….thanks as always for making time in your weekly routine for another imaginative installment of “Brad’s Blog,” here’s to a productive and fulfilling few days ahead!

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