Still Thankful

Taking Inventory

After taking some time to process everything in the midst of the rebuild, I had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

One reason for my gratitude is the support of my sister, who has called me every day since the fire to see if I needed anything. I mostly refused–I’m a big boy and can do it myself–but after a week or so I caved and asked for t-shirts…never have enough of those, especially when you only have 4.

Well, she made it her mission over the last few days to fulfill my wish, and here are the stylish and easy to wear results…much love to Mrs Murtagh’s class for working to ensure I am adequately shirted for the holidays.

I also want to give a big shout out to my brother-in-law, who turned out some darn tasty BBQ turkey last week. Together, they’re a reminder what’s really valuable in my life.

Rapid Restocking

In this time of transition technology has been invaluable, and one of the things that has helped consistently make life easier is Postmates.

Postmates is something of a hybrid between Uber and Amazon Prime, allowing you to order almost anything from brick and mortar stores in your area and have it delivered to your doorstep, often in an hour or less. Gotta love being able to order office supplies and red wine with the same service.

Cord Cutting Á La Carte

Another utility that is really showing its worth in this scenario is streaming services. Sometimes after a long way of chatting with claims agents and filling out paperwork I just want to hang out in front of the moving pictures, and I don’t even want to imagine how much of a nightmare it would be to get cable in my various temporary dwellings.

That’s why I’m glad I cut the cord long ago thanks to the Internet. If TV series are your thing, Hulu has everything you need to finally stop paying that $200 bill every month, and my fellow sports fans should check out FuboTV for live action from the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL along with a selection of entertainment and sports programming networks.

The Last Word

All right geek scouts, I have a lot to get done this week so I´ll let you go here, but thanks for keeping that inbox open for this appreciative edition of “Brad´s Blog!” I will likely be back on schedule next week, but before I go I want to take some time to specifically thank eveyone who has reached out to me over the past couple, it really means a lot to me. Have a productive week, folks!

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