Appreciating Accountability + Introducing Taco!

Taco Tuesday

Sure, this is a digital newsletter, but sometimes analog business takes precedence, and this is one of those times…so, I´d like all of you to meet Taco!

That´s what I´ve decided to call the new pup my son rescued from Tijuana…his more commonly recognized name is Hudson, but he´ll always be Taco in my heart. 

Taco Hudson-Ruben was in pretty bad shape when he came into our lives, but luckily he came to the home of a smart and caring kid–one of mine, made him myself–now he´s all patched up and even has pet insurance through Embrace…a happy ending if I´ve ever seen one, and a great start to this week´s episode.

PS- He´s single, ladies! (Wait, are we still talking about Taco?)

Score One for Small Business?

Running a small business is a Herculean task in the best of times, but when things get as unpredictable as they are at the moment, it can seem downright impossible. 

One of the more frequent conversations I´ve had this year with my entrepreneur buddies is how they´re actually going to pay back those Paycheck Protection Program loans they got earlier this year with cashflow so hard to pin down from month to month…hard to pay back a federal loan when you had to take out a federal loan just to repay your employees for their time, yeah?

Fortunately, help appears to be on the way…a bipartisan contingent of Senate members has introduced legislation aimed at forgiving PPP loans made to the little guy…if you borrowed $150,000 or less through the program, there´s a good chance all you have to do is wait it out.

There, that should fill my quota of political content for the month.

LinkedIn Levels Up
The rich resource of online education formerly known as is under new management as LinkedIn Learning, but it still retains all the mind-expanding greatness that made it a favored utility at organizations around the world.

Whether you want to hone your photography technique to make your products jump out at legions of online shoppers or gain a new skill like graphic design or app development in your downtime, it all lives at LinkedIn now…there´s never been a better time to be better, what are you waiting for?

Coachable Brad

I´m a big believer in the power of motivation, but I have to be honest: I always thought the whole life coaching concept was a bit…lame. I certainly respect the benefit of lived experience, but at the end of the day who could possibly know my goals and vision better than the guy in the mirror?

Well, The Great Pause gave all of us time to reconsider our perspectives, and what I´ve discovered in these less than ideal times is that what these professionals offer is a sense of accountability. Knowing I have a call with Coach Gail every week at a certain time helps me build a framework in my mind, a process that leads to consistently successful results…sounds like something your elementary school principal would say, but a little structure goes a long way.

The Last Word 

All right, I think that seems like a pretty good place to wrap up this engaging edition of ¨Brad´s Blog!¨ Thanks as always for taking the time, I appreciate you for it. I should be back in a week´s time with more geeky goodness, but if you have something you have to share before then (or just want more pictures of Taco), drop me an email!

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