Seizing Summer + The Imaginarium of Dr. Brad

Suddenly Summer

Despite about a decades worth of plot twists, we have made it through the first half of 2020 and that means it´s summer time!  Summer has long been my favorite season…from travel and event season to something as simple as a backyard barbecue, for me the months between May and September are the best part of our yearly ride around the Sun.Like pretty much everyone else on Earth I’ve spent a lot of time staring at the walls of my home recently, so I plan to make up for lost time by spending my fair share of time outside over the coming weeks.

For easily seared individuals such as myself, that means sunscreen is an absolute must…but what I only found out a few summers ago is that I´ve been applying it wrong my entire life…essential knowledge to have for anyone else who tans like a basted game bird.

Accentuate the Positive

While I´m here at my work desk, however, it’s easy to appreciate that not much has changed at the offices of Team Archway since The Great Reset. 

We’ve been working from our various homes full time for at least 8 years, so it was a painless transition from choice to necessity. Where many organizations are having trouble finding their footing in the changing times, we´re lucky enough to be thriving. This piece from Gartner spells out so many of our everyday experiences with the new normal…there are far more pros than cons, if you know how to look for them.

1 Percent Inspiration
It was my youth that my passion for theoretical inventions first formed…I have always considered pointing out what kind of things should exist is very important work.

Indeed, I was just 12 years old when I mentally designed the ¨microwave fridge¨…just imagine taking a tepid beverage and turning it into frosty refreshment in about a minute.

Well, now that a company has seized upon my boyhood genius in this Amazon listing, you don’t have to! Just pop your drink into the Cooper Cooler, and you´ll have a cold can of your favorite fizz or a chilled bottle of wine in no time at all….truly it is my vision of the future brought to life.

Now someone just has to get on that automatic bed-maker I thought of.

It´s Almost That Time…

iOS 14 is right around the corner, so if you were thinking about starting off the summer with a new Apple device, my advice would be to hold off until the fall.

This piece from MacRumors goes into detail about what we can expect from the latest generation of devices, including picture-in-picture functionality for a range of apps including FaceTime and improvements to the security suite…unless you need a slightly better camera that badly, I´d wait for the updates.

The Last Word 

Well, that´s about all for this week…if you have any more free time to spare in the next few days, check out my YouTube channel full of interesting interviews and my signature brand of brilliance. Thanks as always for joining me for another incredible installment of ¨Brad´s Blog,¨ here’s to a strong second half of 2020!

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