Binging on the DL + Pandemic Pet Presents

DDoS Attack, Now Calling

You may have heard about a company called, one of the largest Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers in the US, that had its services disrupted by a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. In non-tech words, that’s where a bunch of computers “ping” a company’s firewall, and the firewall is kept busy answering those pings. The attack caused service outages across the US over the past few days, causing many users to experience unexpected failures with their voice and messaging services.

Nothing is fool-proof but something we suggest is SD-Wan – a load balancing firewall which puts traffic where it’s less congested. If you’d like to talk to our resident expert, Matt Slade, on all things VOIP and Internet Connectivity you can schedule a call here.

Incognito Binging

Traveling out of the country soon, but already worried about how you’ll be able to watch the Ted Lasso finale? Hidemyass VPN allows you to do exactly as the name implies: hide your virtual ass from AppleTV even if their content isn’t not available locally.

And just in case you’re worried about getting caught streaming some American-made content internationally, (don’t worry, legally it’s perfectly acceptable to use a virtual private network), our Archway-favorite AirPod Max Headphones will prevent the outside world from interfering with your binging. You can even get them at a renewed, discounted price here.

The Millennial Moment – Dog Edition

I think we can all agree that no one thrived more during the past year and a half of the pandemic than our dogs. Personally, my English Bulldog, Mo, made working from and being home more enjoyable; so much so that I awarded him employee of the month: 15 months and counting! And I’m not alone in my age group as being dog obsessed: Millennials recently overtook Baby Boomers as the largest pet-owning cohort of Americans; by some estimates, more than half of us have a dog. So to reward the furry good boys and girls who have been there for us, here are a couple dog-approved work-from-home essentials:

The Infamous Duck: There are 2 types of dogs: The ones who enjoy their toys by playing, and the ones who enjoy their toys by way of DESTRUCTION. Mo is the latter, and our home is often a sea of stuffing. The exception being, as we fondly named him, with Mr. Duck.  I’m not sure what is about this average-looking stuffed-animal duck, but over 1,600 reviewers agree, there is something absolutely magical about this guy. Mo cares for him as if he were his own child. We have replaced him several times over the years, and the love never changes. I implore you to put Mr.Duck to the test with your dog, and to send us photos of the result.

Fish Oil Supplements: Mo always gets compliments for having the softest coat, and I attribute much of this to two things: Lots of pets, and these Fish Oil Supplements. Over time, they have also helped with his shedding, and his often itchy wrinkles.

ChomChom Roller Dog Hair Remover: For our furry friends that are sometimes a little too furry, this is hands down the best, fastest, pet hair removal tool I’ve ever used. The roller is actually more of a rocker, meaning it rocks and pivots back and forth as you “roll” it over things, and by roll it’s really more of a scraping action. I love how I can go over a lot of surface area before having to empty the chamber, like an entire couch, something that would’ve required three or four tape roller sheets or 10-15 mins of vacuuming. 

The Last Word

I hope you are all having a great week! Thank you, as always, for reading the blog. We love getting your feedback, and adding a little geekiness to your inbox. I’ll be back next week, and hope you (and your dogs) have a great weekend!

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