Wonderful Underwriting + Brad’s Smile Starter Kit

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FREE Technology (Recommendations)

At Archway Computer, while we’re here to help you with all your technology products’ problems and needs, we never have (and never will) sell you any of that equipment. Instead, we are passionate about recommendations! With so many options, models, and price points, we know how overwhelming the tech product space can be – especially depending on your needs. 

Need a new work laptop or computer? One site our team always shops first at is Newegg, where their huge selection refurbished products can save you hundreds of dollars. Looking for a back-to-school gift for the student in your life that burned their laptop out in the 2020 Zoom Academic Year? Walmart has great deals on a variety of notebooks, with fast and free shipping, so your student can go back to in-person learning in (techy) style.

It’s a Wunderful World

For agencies still working through applications the ol’ fashioned way (back and forth with email, pen and paper), let me turn you on to Wunderite ( = “Wonderful” + “Underwrite”). Wunderite builds and sells software designed to help insurance agencies more rapidly process insurance applications, and automate some of their processes.

Wunderite’s APIs prefill and enrich schedules with 100’s of data points like flood zone, wildfire risk, vehicle details, property details and more.  Wunderite also automatically generates a detailed account overview that can be saved as a PDF to email, print, or hand to an underwriting or marketing rep…. providing your team with a submission that has an unfair advantage to land on the top of the stack.

To request an online demo, click HERE

Brushing Up with Brad

I’ve always been obsessed with dental hygiene, and my consistent 5-star review at the dentist is a testament to that. I credit all my success to these two products:

Water Flosser: Toss out that old-school string floss, and enter the water flosser. Not only is water flossing more comfortable and easy to use than generic floss, but you experience such a deeper-clean.

AquaSonic Black Series Toothbrush: Not only does this sleek toothbrush look badass on my bathroom sink, but it features an ultra-powerful and industry leading motor producing 40,000 vibrations per minute, ultra-fast wireless charging, 4 modes of operation, and 8 bonus brush heads to keep your teeth fresh for months.

Tongue Scraper: I learned about this one from my daughter, who said “What is even the point of brush your teeth if you’re not scraping your tongue?” Enough said. According to ancient Ayurvedic recommendation, debris, and dead cells can build up on your tongue over time. This can lead to bad breath, and even a diminished sense of taste. I definitely thought it was a scam, but, without being too descriptive, the first time I scraped my tongue I couldn’t believe how much came off, and my mouth has never felt fresher.

The Last Word

Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday this past week! Another year older, wiser, and more grateful, especially for all my loyal readers! Wishing you a great first day of the month, and a safe upcoming holiday weekend.

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