Bose Falls Even More Silent + Advice from Archway

The Best Get Better?

There will always be a bit of that excited kid showing off a new toy on the schoolyard the very next day within my spirit, so I rarely write about a product that I haven’t had my hands on yet. Still, as someone who has an impossible time trying to be productive in noisy environments I’m so excited about the new noise canceling headphones from Bose I just can’t wait to share.

For years I’ve been standing by my trusty QC-35 headset (on sale this week at WalMartalong with other Father’s Day goodies) for its excellent noise management capabilities and unparalleled battery life, but according to some early reviews the upcoming 700 could be the new gold standard. At $400 they’re a bit pricey for some, but it is said that one of the most valuable things in the modern world is silence so to me they’re well worth the investment.

A More Stable Surface

The Microsoft Surface has had something of a rough ride since the debut of the line a couple of years back. Classic beta-test stuff plagued the early months of the release, which pretty much tanked consumer confidence in what should have been an absolute game-changer.

The Surface seems to be doing a little better now, all things considered…but when the most enthusiastic praise Consumer Reports can conjure up goes “reliability is now on par with most other laptop brands,” it may not quite be time to put the Surfacebook back on your wish list just yet…kind of a shame, it really is a slick setup.

Take It From Us

We never directly sell equipment–that would go directly against the independent spirit of Team Archway–but we’re happy to make recommendations…who doesn’t like telling other people what to do? If you’re interested in our opinions of some of the top names such as Dell, HP, and Lenovo, just click here for easy to read examination of what each has to offer.

iDeal for Your Nightstand

If you’re fully tied into the Apple ecosystem, this should be a useful little addition. The inexpensive 3 in 1 wireless charging station will quickly juice up your iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods, and since it’s on Amazon, you can have it by the end of the week.

Man I love living in this era of human history.

The Last Word

Well, that should just about do it for this week! Thanks as always for not banishing my weekly rambles to the spam folder, I understand what a significant honor that is. I’ll be right back on schedule next week, but before then don’t forget to give dad a shout this weekend…the old man likes to feel special too, if only 3 times every 1000 days.

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