Share-Worthy – Celebrate life and Dad too in this weeks Brad’s Blog

Don’t Forget Dad!

Speaking as a father, I know you probably haven’t picked out a Father’s Day gift yet even though dad’s big day is exactly a week from now. It’s okay, we understand you’re busy what with work and all. You should really call your mother more though, she worries.

Anyway, if you’re still looking for a great gift for your old man, allow me to assist: these slick wireless earphones incorporate dual microphone technology and customizable equalizer profiles so the classic sounds of The Big Bopper come through like never before.

Also, I know it took most dads I knew forever to make the switch to one of those newfangled electric tooth-brushes, and so another outstanding option for the man who has everything (that he could think of in 1963) is the quip electric toothbrush, designed as the perfect brush with carefully calibrated vibrations and a low profile design built to deliver a perfect clean.

Finally, like many classic patriarchs I take pride in never getting sick. At least if you count common annoyances like the cold or flu…did have a bout with a stomach virus on a trip to South America, but that’s another story.

I attribute my relatively clean bill of health to three things: regular exercise, a reasonably decent diet, and these vitamins, which are formulated to provide the supplementary dietary compounds that can keep men like me vigorous well past the ripe old age of 46.

Ad Astra

The human race lost a couple of very special members to suicide last week…it’s a difficult concept to contend with. I personally know people who have attempted to take their own lives. I also knew a few who have succeeded. It never gets any easier to talk about.

The nature of our existence–the full weight of the human condition–can be a curious thing, and as I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, your results may vary. There are no easy answers on this topic, but this line from Woody Allen often comes to mind: “life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.

Hard to argue, but I like to think there are moments of happiness scattered around in there like the marshmallows in Lucky Charms…finding them can make our slow march to the inevitable much more bearable. Try to enjoy the ride while you can.

YouTube on Your Time

If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated because you can’t watch your favorite YouTube videos when you’re on a long flight with no Internet connection or deep underground in your secret lair, you’ll be happy to know there’s is a way.

This PC Mag article goes into detail about downloading videos for offline viewing…the hours will fly by as you watch your favorite TV show recaps, recipe videos, and dubbed movie scenes anywhere and anytime.

The Last Word

Okay scouts, that’ll just about do it for this week. Thanks for checking your email bright and early for this latest eclectic edition of “Brad’s Blog!”

I’ll be back in your inbox right on schedule next time, but if you want to chat about some geeky greatness (or hear that story about South America) don’t be shy about dropping a line!

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