Underwear And Politics

Underwear And Politics

Serenity Now

You know, I try to avoid discussions on the subject, but it seems every possible human interaction leads to an open forum on politics these days. I can’t get through so much as a supermarket checkout line without the clerk relaying the latest memes from Twitter, and I get it…I do. It is quite the remarkable time in American history…it’ll certainly be interesting to read the history books one day, and this is just a glimpse of how real everything is now.

All I have to say on the matter is continuing to act like the world has ended is pointless at best and a self-fulfilling prophecy at worst. We all want to see a positive direction for our country, and that can’t happen if we don’t just calm down and start talking realistic solutions to the issues that face us as a nation instead of running in circles screaming. Obviously it’s not an ideal situation for everyone, but we have to make it work for the children…or something.

High Security, Low Price

If you’ve ever considered adding an inexpensive wireless camera to your security setup, this is a pretty good option. It captures 720p video as well as audio, and has a wide-angle viewing range so you can cover the majority of a large space with a single camera, and also includes a motion detector that streams video live to your known when activated. For under 40 bucks you really can’t beat it, so if you want to feel more omniscient in 2017, head over to Amazon.

Smartphone Photography 102

Let’s face it…most of us suck at taking smartphone pics.

We’ve just collectively figured out that many images and all videos are best shot in landscape mode and not portrait mode because there are few televisions shaped like doors, and now we’re all working our way through basic photography concepts such as lighting and focus.

Don’t take any of this the wrong way, I was definitely in that boat as well…that is, until I came across this piece detailing how  to take professional quality pictures with your favorite lifestyle device.

Upgraded Underwear

I travel a lot, and one day recently I was trying to close yet another overstuffed duffel bag when I realized just how much of my cargo was simple undergarments like boxers and t-shirts. Think about it: if you’re traveling elsewhere for a week, you want 7 pairs of these things at the very least…more if you’re going somewhere warm, doing something active, or lack access to a washer.

That’s why this product I’ve recently discovered has been a real lifesaver during those times where I’m sleeping in hotels for the better part of a month or so. ExOfficio underwear is designed for folks on the go, constructed with a lightweight, breathable and odor-resistant fiber that just needs a quick sink wash and air dry to becomes as good as new. A few pairs of these replaces over a week’s worth of standard skivvies,and I absolutely love it. Try ‘em.

The Last Word

All right, that just about does it for this week, but thanks as always for making yourself available for another enthralling edition of “Brad’s Blog!” I recognize that you have many choices in Tuesday morning entertainment, and appreciate you making this newsletter yours today. I’ll be back on schedule next week, but until then, remember that people are people too.

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